Thursday, May 15, 2008
Uniting Against Fear
Uniting Against Fear
By Linda Kay Marchena
I remember when just a child of 7 years, the atmosphere of fear that surrounded our lives. It was the Cold War Era. The main topic of conversation at our dinner table and our neighbors' was about building bomb shelters, and stocking up on a years supply of can goods and water. You know, just in case someone decided to drop a nuclear bomb. Schools at that time had air raid drills besides the regular fire drills.
Today everyone is talking about terrorism as part of their topic of conversation. There is something wrong when we live in a world with so much potential for good, that we expose children to things to fear of on a daily basis.
Children being hurt, killed abused in all sorts of ways, by war, gang violence, abusive family members.
Just think of how much good and how much better this world would be if the adults of the world would unite together to say no more. No to their own anger, no to their fear, no to their selfishness, no to the past traumas of their lives that trigger extreme behavior such as an unhealthy need for power and control over others, which leads to violence, abuse and war. Let us think of the children of the world and how they are innocent bystanders to the abuse, wars, continuing destruction of our environment and food sources. They are at the mercy of the whimes of the adults. It is the adults who make the decisions, and yet when they are destructive decisions it doesn't only afftect the adults involved it also affects the innoccent bystanders, the children. Would it not be better to unite as human beings to create peace in this world.
How is this accomplished. It is accomplished by not only respecting ourselves but respecting others, no matter who they are. It is by living ones life with a sense of integrity, which means that when we say something or commit to something (even if it is just returning a phone call), that we follow through. By being consistant with what we say and do. These are necessary to estsblish trust, not only in our everyday lives, but it is important that our business leaders and government leaders exhibit these traits.
Tolerance and nonjudgement are also important. Instead of looking at each other as far as race, nationality, religion, size, shape, lifestyle, financial status would it not be better to focus on the major problems affecting the World. After all the bottom line is we are all human! We could accomplish so much more by ridding this World of disease, famine, homeless, poverty if we would focus on these things. Instead of War with one another, let us all unite and declare and end to these other problems that are in our world today.
10 Keys To Using Color With Feng Shui
10 Keys To Using Color With Feng Shui
by Cucan Pemo
For those that are looking to change their lives and want to take a fresh, organic and affordable path to that goal, Feng Shui is the answer. Feng Shui is much more than just organizing your belongings in a particular way to allow for optimal chi flow, it is an entire state of mind.
Feng Shui is much more effective if used in conjunction with other aspects of your life like positive thinking, honest living and meditation. Those aspects of your life work like a magnifying glass that helps to grow and nurture your chi so that not only can it flow freer, but it can also be more powerful.
There are even more things you can do with Feng Shui than just arrange your furniture. Since Feng Shui is so closely related to one’s well being, each color is associated with a particular mood, goal or feeling. Depending on what you are trying to achieve with your Feng Shui, whether it be wealth, health or love, there are individual colors that you want to focus on to help steer your chi in the direction you want it to go in. Here is a list of what each color means to your chi and what you can do to help it.
A few tips to start with: Not everyone likes every color, so if you feel you need to add a color to an area, but it’s not a color you’re particularly fond of, try to find a shade of that color you like, or, at the very least, find an object that you feel strongly about that is colored with the chosen color. Feng Shui will be much more effective if you have a positive reaction to everything you see in your home. Don’t add a color just to add one.
·Blue – Blue is the perfect color to use in the area in which you meditate. It has a very calming affect and it is highly associated with peace and comfort. Blue is excellent to use in a bedroom situation or a place you want to get away from it all. It’s also good in any room that you seek relaxation in on a regular basis like a den or living room.
·Red – Red represents truth and power. It is a good color to use in an area where you work. The home office or den or anyplace you do work should have at least some red in it.
·Green – Not only is green the color of money, it is also associated with health and vitality. It is the perfect color for the bathroom, or anyplace where medical supplies in your home are kept. Hang a green charm in a closet that your first aid kit is kept to help your chi there. It is also good for any room where the family gathers together, like a dining room or living room.
·Purple – As it has for thousands of years, purple is related to majesty and royalty. It works closely with red to help build wealth. It works anywhere where you would put red since wealth and fame tend to go hand in hand.
·Pink – Pink isn’t just for girls anymore, since it is a combination of red (truth and power) and white (purity), pink is highly associated with love. Great for the bedroom or any other place you and a lover are intimate.
·White – The purest color stands for just that. It is also associated with spirituality and is perfect for any children’s room or any place in your home that you look to keep morally pure and clean.
·Grey – Used for transition and connection. Most followers of Feng Shui choose grey for their garage or a vestibule area that connects the inside world to the outside. Grey is also good to use if you add an addition onto your home. You can paint or hang something grey at the line where your old home ended and your new extension begins.
·Black – Not a commonly used color, but it does work in small amounts. It usually stands for negative chi, but if used in areas that have a powerful chi component, areas that are usually painted red or purple, black can work in your favor by absorbing the bad chi and keeping the good chi pure. Don’t overdue it with black, but in small amounts it can really help out.
·Yellow – Yellow isn’t for cowards, it stands for tolerance and authority. It works well on the entry way into the parents bedroom, as well as colors for any lists of chores for kids. Anyplace you feel you need to exert the family pecking order, yellow is the color to use.
·Gold – It’s no surprise that gold is associated with wealth. Use in conjunction with purple and red to help build the wealth in your home office.
Feng Shui can seem mysterious on the surface, but once you break it down, the color system becomes clear. Once you’ve added that extra Feng Shui touch here and there, you can expect to see the results sooner rather than later.
About the Author: Learn The Ancient Art and Science of Feng Shui, Feng Shui Secrets, Feng Shui Tutorials, Feng Shui Tips and Rituals for Luck, Money, Love, and discover how to use Feng Shui to make all your wishes come true! Get your Free Feng Shui tips here!
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Feng Shui - The Myth And The Marvel
Feng Shui - the Myth And The Marvel
by Breiana Cecil
It is possibly the most ancient design movement known and yet has made itself an avant-garde design craze. Although, over three thousand years old, the idea of Feng Shui has received much attention in modern day. Surf the net or the local bookstores and you will find numerous resources on the subject. It has taken the Interior Design industry by storm and has found a way into university classrooms all over the world. It has been revered as an art. It has been shunned as superstition. It is controversial, which means it is interesting. So let's take a brief look, shall we?
Feng Shui ("wind-water") is an ancient Chinese practice dealing with the arrangement of a space and its elements to bring balance to the environment and those who dwell within, more basically, living in harmony with your surroundings.
This ancient philosophy says that being in tune with the elements and energy around you will bring you the most balance in life. These elements are Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, and Wood. The energy is Ch'i (pronounced 'chee').
Ch'i is the life force, and it is present all around us, all of the time. The purpose of incorporating Feng Shui into our homes is to attract Ch'i and to raise positive energy levels. The Chinese have utilized this in the construction of large buildings and homes, aligning the corners of the structures with the corresponding directions of the four cardinal directions--north, south, east, and west. The ancient Chinese tended to build their homes according to the directions and meaning of each.
Astrology is incorporated as well. Depending on the individual’s year of birth, each direction has different meaning. Those dealt with include positive directions (prime, health, longevity, prosperity, etc.) and negative directions (death, disaster, the six shar, and the five ghosts). According to Chinese life principle, there is no getting around the negative directions. Though, it is believed that utilizing Feng Shui in your home can keep the Ch'i in balance, and the positive and negative in harmony.
In this day and age, not many of us have the option of choosing our land so freely, as we have settled down already or dwell in apartment buildings. Unfortunately, we can't very well pick up and turn our homes to suit our individual Ch'i. This is where Feng Shui designers have found their calling. Placement of furniture, certain deco, as well as color use are considered imperative factors in the Feng Shui culture. Here are a few interesting and random examples.
Furniture Placement:
- Move the bed to face your health and longevity direction.
- Always have a bed against one wall, as this gives the individual stability.
- The oven and the sink should have space between them, as they represent opposing elements; water and fire.
- The living room is the central gathering room and where most families spend their time. Try to put the main area of focus (television, sound system) in the corner that represents health. This way, when the family lounges together, they are facing a positive direction.
- The Chinese believed that no matter how big the family, there should always be at least eight chairs at the dining table. If more or less, the number must always be even.
- Face the desk that you work at towards your creative direction.
Decorations and Accessories:
- If one of your positive directions lie in the South, and there is a Southern wall with no window in your home, add a mirror. This gives Ch'i room to flow with no ending point.
- The bathroom of your home is the place for Ch'i to pool--and in its most negative environment. Bathrooms are typically small, and are associated with destruction. Mirrors, and house plants should be abundant in this area.
- The living room or bedroom are good places for oil paintings and art, as these are objects of prosperity.
- The study, or the area where you do so, should be filled with objects of creativity. Fill the area with artwork, pottery, and house plants. If there is no window above your desk, guess? Add a mirror!
- Round objects represent money. So, in the living room, and study, try round rugs, tables, and coasters.
- Wind chimes, wind chimes, wind chimes! Anything associated with wind will help Ch'i flow freely.
The central colors of importance to Feng Shui include green, red, yellow, white, and black. Although the meaning and directional significance of each differs depending on your source, each color represents one of the five elements (Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, Wood).
- It is important that the color of your bedroom correlate with your element. Mine is water, which seems to be associated with white or blue.
- The kitchen is the one place in the house most susceptible to hazard. Green is the safest color to use here.
- The study is an important area for free air, and open mindedness. Yellow or white will keep the area amicable.
For more information on color use, check out the Quick Guide to Color Effects and Meanings blog.
Whether or not you take the ancient art of Feng Shui on board, it is quite an impressive subject as well as vastly immense--I have only just touched the bare minimum here. Aside from the apparent mysticism, its principles touch upon the chic mannerism of modern design as well. More and more designers and clients are designing with meaning and with spirituality. In my opinion, this is wonderful!
Every type of art has spiritual root and meaning--it's the artist that makes it distinct. As always, my best design advice is to understand what touches you and manifest it into your space. Peace be with you and may your Ch'i flow free!
About the Author: Breiana Cecil of
The History Of Solar Power
The History Of Solar Power
by Will Reece
With the recent rise in energy costs many people have been looking to alternative sources of energy. One of the greatest energy sources (our sun) is readily available for the taking. We just need to be able to harness it's power. For those interested, below is a brief history of how solar power came to be.
The history of photovoltaic energy (aka. solar cells) started way back in 1876. William Grylls Adams along with a student of his, Richard Day, discovered that when selenium was exposed to light, it produced electricity. An electricity expert, Werner von Siemens, stated that the discovery was "scientifically of the most far-reaching importance". The selenium cells were not efficient, but it was proved that light, without heat or moving parts, could be converted into electricity.
In 1953, Calvin Fuller, Gerald Pearson, and Daryl Chapin, discovered the silicon solar cell. This cell actually produced enough electricity and was efficient enough to run small electrical devices. The New York Times stated that this discovery was "the beginning of a new era, leading eventually to the realization of harnessing the almost limitless energy of the sun for the uses of civilization."
The year is 1956, and the first solar cells are available commercially. The cost however is far from the reach of everyday people. At $300 for a 1 watt solar cell, the expense was far beyond anyone's means. 1956 started showing us the first solar cells used in toys and radios. These novelty items were the first item to have solar cells available to consumers.
In the late 1950's and early 1960's satellites in the USA's and Soviet's space program were powered by solar cells and in the late 1960's solar power was basically the standard for powering space bound satellites.
In the early 1970's a way to lower to cost of solar cells was discovered. This brought the price down from $100 per watt to around $20 per watt. This research was spearheaded by Exxon. Most off-shore oil rigs used the solar cells to power the waning lights on the top of the rigs.
The period from the 1970's to the 1990's saw quite a change in the usage of solar cells. They began showing up on railroad crossings, in remote places to power homes, Australia used solar cells in their microwave towers to expand their telecommunication capabilities. Even desert regions saw solar power bring water to the soil where line fed power was not an option!
Today we see solar cells in a wide variety of places. You may see solar powered cars. There is even a solar powered aircraft that has flown higher than any other aircraft with the exception of the Blackbird. With the cost of solar cells well within everyone's budget, solar power has never looked so tempting.
Recently new technology has given us screen printed solar cells, and a solar fabric that can be used to side a house, even solar shingles that install on our roofs. International markets have opened up and solar panel manufacturers are now playing a key role in the solar power industry.
About the Author: Will Reece runs along with other alternative energy sites. For more information regarding solar power, visit us online at
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Join the Solution - Rent Solar Panels - See Website at:
The Humble Frog
The Humble Frog
by Carolyn Donnelly
This small quirky creature has played a key role in the lives of human societies across the world. Many millions of years before man appeared on the geological timescale, frogs hopped the earth. They have existed through vast climate change and earth movements and have survived major earth catastrophes that wiped out entire animal groups. In the time that they have shared this planet with us, a relatively short period of time for them, they have taught us much. They have supplied us with medical breakthroughs, environmental knowledge and for many cultures, great wisdom. They are an icon for luck, prosperity, health and wellbeing. But to many they are far more than this - they are teachers of tolerance and humility, helping us to have sympathy for others while showing us the importance of generosity, personal sacrifice and opportunity. In respect for 2008, The Year of the Frog, this is my reflection on a little beast that has given us so much.
Assisting Human Needs
Eating a diet of insects and small invertebrates, frogs play a critical role in the control of agricultural pests and vectors of disease such as mosquitoes. They are also the food source for a range of reptiles, birds and mammals, including humans. Therefore frogs are a vital element of many ecosystems. As frogs take in water and air through their skin, they make good environmental indicators and so have served as an alert to changes in water quality and the environment. Unfortunately, this also makes them susceptible to pollution.
Frogs have provided us with great breakthroughs in modern medicine for diseases and conditions such as strokes, cancer, healing scars, HIV aids and Alzheimer’s. Special chemical compounds from frogs have long been known and exploited by ancient and tribal cultures, who have used frog parts for many centuries in cures and as hallucinogens in religious ceremonies.
Bringer of Luck and Wealth
To the Chinese, the frog is a divine creature which protects against misfortune and brings wealth and good health to the family. The Money Frog, also called Chan Chu, was the pet of Liu Hai, the God of Wealth, and is the symbol of wealth and prosperity. In Feng Shui, it is beneficial to have a frog in your home and the Money Frog depicted with a coin in its mouth is a common Feng Shui statue. Having a family of frogs living in your garden is particularly lucky and is said to bring great wealth and longevity to the inhabitants of the home.
Helping us to Understand and Protect our Environment
The frog is a totem in Australian Aboriginal culture and features in many dreamtime stories and songs and is a common animal in creation stories. The story of Gurukmun, tells of a huge frog that drank all the water on earth so that there was none left for the other animals. The frog, Gurukmun, finally was tricked into laughing by the other animals causing him to spill all the water out of his mouth which filled the oceans, rivers and lakes with water once more. For me, this alludes to the connection that the Aboriginal people made between the frog and the seasons, droughts and life-giving rains.
Tribal African groups had specific uses for particular frogs. Some frogs were eaten and others were collected for use in traditional medicine. Frogs also played a role in determining what activities occurred where, thereby protecting some areas from human use. Some tribespeople from South Africa would not collect water from places where there were frogs, believing that where there were frogs the water was not sweet and that giant birds who ate the frogs posed a danger to people. Beliefs such as these controlled the spread of diseases like Bilhazia. Some American Indian tribes revered the frog as a sacred keeper of seasons. Many believed that frogs kept the water clean and fresh so that it was drinkable.
The Japanese believe that the frog or ‘kaeru’ is lucky to have around as the presence of a frog means that value will be returned to the person who gives something away. For instance, if a good friend is leaving, they will return or if you give money away, greater wealth will be returned to you. Frogs were also thought to hold the secret of immortality.
In American Indian culture, the medicine frog is a significant totem. It is said to teach insight and depth of perception and sympathy for others needs. It represents new life and spiritual cleansing, assisting people into the next stage of life and providing an opportunity for transformation. In some tribes, hallucinogenic compounds derived from frogs were used in rituals which involved self-transcendence and communication with the spirit world.
The frog was also a sacred creature in ancient Europe and was commonly used in cures and potions by Pagan healers. The Grim Brothers “Frog Prince” fairy tale was translated from older versions, the original thought to be an old Scottish fairy tale written in 1548 called “The Tale of the Queen who Sought a Drink from a Certain Well”. In each of the versions of the tale, the Queen or Princess meets a frog to whom she makes a promise out of desperation to fulfil her own immediate need. In each of the stories the leading lady is disgusted by the frog, who she sees as ugly. Once her own need has been satisfied she very begrudgingly fulfils her promise to the frog. In fact, she would not have fulfilled her promise if there wasn’t someone else in the story reminding her of what she must do. However, in fulfilling her promise to the frog, she is presented with a beautiful and charming prince who whisks her away to a life of love and security.
Although there have been many versions of the Frog Prince, the message remains the same in all of them - that often an opportunity presents itself in an unattractive form and the significance of that opportunity is not initially obvious. We may take the task on resentfully, feeling sorry for ourselves and task that we must bear, only to find that the opportunity presented to us was such a wonderful life changing event that any discomfort that we had to tolerate along the way was insignificant in the light of what resulted.
A Wise Old Survivor (now under threat)
In the association between frog and man it seems to me that the frog has earned the reputation of a creator and source of great wisdom and knowledge, one who has much to teach us and one that we seek out for answers. It comes as no surprise that this quirky little animal has earned the respect of so many humans around the world. He is a great survivor, having lived upon the earth since the Jurassic, some 145 to 205 million years ago. His ancestral memory must be immense. In his time on earth, he has managed to exploit and adapt to just about every environment, from the warm and humid rainforests to the dry desert expanses, and then he has continued to adapt through many changes to those environments over millions of years. He has seen great tectonic shifts in the earth surface, held on through ice ages and the meteorite that killed dinosaurs. He has seen species come and go.
Yet, after occupying our planet for about 150 million years or more, our little friend is now disappearing at a rapid rate. Almost half of our frog species around the world are endangered. His ability to breathe through his skin, possibly an adaptation that has served him well in the past, is now proving to be one of the great threats to his survival in this modern world. Agricultural and industrial pollutants and sewage entering waterways as well as land clearing and grazing of livestock near wetlands have been the greatest pollution threats to frogs. No animal, however, can survive loosing their habitat and many more frogs around the world have disappeared due to drying up, removal and destruction of their wetland, creek and river homes. To top it off, the Chytrid fungus has been spreading through frog communities at a fast pace, killing frogs in many areas, even in pristine environments far away from the affects of human development.
What affects our living environment affects us and the plight of this special little character is another wake up call. Perhaps the frog has a message for us in the issues affecting his own future. As in the story of the Frog Prince, perhaps humanity is the ‘Princess’ that has been presented with an opportunity to help the frog. As the frogs’ need for fresh clean water parallels our own, we may find that in protecting and conserving our forests and wetlands, we will lessen the frog’s demise, while taking measures to slow our own. Perhaps our friend is presenting us with an opportunity to assess our values and how we live and the ongoing impacts for our health, wealth, wellbeing and therefore ... our future.
It’s worth pondering…..
Carolyn is an ecologist with an interest in spiritual ecology and earth based religious ethic. Her website, Placid Moon, sells a range of new age items including pagan pendants, essential oils, scented candles, new age books, incense and incense burners, oil warmers, candle holders, windchimes, bronze bells along with a range of ritual and altar supplies.
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A Healing Environment
The most important group of wise men were assembled in the outskirts of the city. These were really wise, because they had dedicated their lives to contemplate, admire and appreciate the harmony of this world. The reason of the meeting was that in the last hundred years, the destruction of Nature had hastened and they wanted to build a monument to call the attention of everybody. They wanted to deliver the message that it was necessary to take care of the Earth and Nature. Not only with comments but with actions. It was necessary to show that there was a feeling, a commitment, to that purpose in order to have a change. Since the wise men were concerned about the increasing damage, maltreatment, extinction and garbage. Because tomorrow and later, what would we have left as a planet, as home? Then, the wise men decided to do a contest in order to motivate young people and adults, to live in a world of peace and harmony with Nature. It was agreed that the one who could fulfill the requirements, would be recognized as a wise person compromised with the real life. It happened that many went to the contest and delivered big speeches since they wanted to be recognized as an authority in the matter. It may have been that to be called wise man captivated them more than the project per se.And many brought sculptures, poems, poetry; they all were compromised somehow but there was always shining in some of them, the conceited desire to be chosen like the best.And, of course, this contest was very unique and some of the contestants were almost ready to wear the crown. Many came with medals, horses, musical bands, to the point that the spirit of the contest was somewhat lost. Because it was a large field but there were a lot of papers, bottles, bags, newspapers, leftovers, vehicles; we could say that 30% was a big fiasco. And on top, another group was formed and they were protesting against the first group. Overall, the convention lasted three days and the damage caused was not repaired for thirty days. All the expositions were reviewed and the comments were good but many persons were not consistent since there was one who spoke with beautiful words but was wearing leather. And he said: "Let's love the animals".There was a committee of refined ladies who promised to contribute many millions but were wearing fur coats. Then, many miners, people in the construction business and people whose business was to cut down trees came with the idea of collaborating with money but with the purpose of receiving some recognition.Truly, there was nobody to pick but the organizers trying to solve this problem, said that there was a draw and to solve the situation they would accept another person, who was not recommended, who did not have millions. Then, they looked for and found another person. There were two contestants who were very rich, were highly recommended and they had their fans. And one of then was asked: - What do you feel in front of so much damage caused to our Nature?- And the man said:-Our corporation will contribute millions for the investigation of the forestation and the study of all the beautiful wood and species, in order to establish a self supportive mechanism that assures to these species, a habitat, reservations zoos, scientific investigation and development. - He received some applause. Another contestant seemed very philosophical, very enthusiastic and said:-The first thing to do is for man not to mix with Nature so we will build a big wall and we will bring an army that will take care of the area and they will fine or sent to jail the ones who dump trash or make a mess. He also added: -If we are not careful, we will be left without a planet.- He had some approval.The turn came for the third one and they asked him again but since he did not seem to be an important person, they just asked: -What do you feel?- And he said: -I see Nature and all her inhabitants as my father, mother, brothers, even more, I see Nature as my heart, hands, eyes, feet. In the mountains, I see my grandparents and dreams, which I will reach someday by virtue of my faith on life. In the rivers, I see the satiated thirst of men, women and children; I see the purity, the gentleness of my mother nursing me; in the earth, I see my home, the womb of my mother, the children being born, I see the blooming of life.He had not finished talking when they interrupted him because his speech was very different than the others. They hurried him, even more, they mistreated him, saying:-Be specific, say something and finish.- And they asked him again:-What do you feel?-And he answered: - When I see my mother suffering and her children dying, I feel sadness, a very deep sadness, as a root that is withering, and I cry when I a see a cut down tree thinking about how many wasted years. If you want me to sum up my feelings, I will say that I feel a tear in the deepest part of my being.After he said those words, the public immediately took sides, like the created interests, the laboratories companies, who did not understand, but the natural persons, gave him a continuous ovation.It was so much that this brought an end to the tie and a monument was chosen, that showed a man raising a withered, dried flower to the sky and he was surrounded by cut down trees, dead animals and the man had many tears in his face. There was also an inscription that said: "Let's never reach the point of having to cry for what we have lost and will never come back"And next to the monument, they planted what would be a forest, that also had another inscription:"You are welcome, man, because you are one with Nature. Let's live in harmony and peace. Let's serve one another, because that is the path to eternity."And in this way, a great truth was found and it was recognized great authority and wisdom in this natural, unaffected man.
Oscar Basurto Carbonell is a well known international lecturer, Spiritual Teacher and Healer. Poet and author of innumerable writings related to Self Knowledge, Healing, Art for Good Health, Meditation and Spiritual Science, are some of his subjects. He has been painting since his early years. And has a great knowledge on the ancient science of techniques and designs of the Sacred Geometry, on the Ancient Symbols and on Healing Energy. His works are energy and poetry in movement that take us to
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